Thank you and PCB giveaway!
Thank you all for the amazing enthusiasm from makers and media. Maybe we are off to something really good!
To celebrate Prynth’s launch we are giving away 3 sets of PCB boards. To participate all you need to do is write a short description about the synth you want create and post or PM it through our Facebook page. We’ll do a selection and mail the PCBs free of charge.
For those of you that have started experimenting, remember that for technical issues we’ll be using the forum.
A lot of people also asked if it was possible to buy the instruments pre-assembled. Unfortunately there are currently no plans for commercialization. Our goal is to facilitate DIY, share knowledge and together come up with some neat synth designs.
For those afraid of picking up the soldering iron, we say: don’t be intimidated! We’ve all been there. And once your first thingy works, be sure you’ll have that “yay” moment!